After I left go Ginger (the cat) I noticed that Damien and Yukochan had a few gerbals and hampsters. I started to question them about having pets and thought we weren't allow to have pets. They told me that Ned allowed them as long as they were in cages. It gave me the idea to purchase a gerbal and kept it in the spare bedroom. It was black with white paws and I was thinking of a name for it. I asked Damien if he had any idea of a name. He thought about Sockchan since it has white paws as if it was wearing socks. So Sockchan was the name for it since the name fitted the gerbal.
After several months had passed, Damien and Yukochan were moving out of the building and into a house at Glasgow Terrace. It was sad to see them leave the building but they weren't moving too far. I was also happy for them that they moved into a house. They were starting fresh so they asked me if I would like to take care of he gerbals and hampsters. In other words they wanted me to keep them. Before I knew it I had 5 gerbals and hamsters.